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We know that every classroom in the country needs more STEM materials, but we also know that schools in the US are chronically underfunded. We are here to solve both problems!


Our award-winning trade books are the perfect way to expand and enhance your classroom and ELO curricula. We've helped numerous schools apply for grants to  get these STEM resources in their classrooms and libraries. Let us help you! 

This page contains:

  • Foundation Grant Resource Document

  • Freelance Grant Writers​

Grant Resources


Need a grant writer? Hiring a grant writer can be an effective way of bringing resources into your institution. A number of individuals who have worked as grant writers and may be able to work with you on grant requests either as a writer or as a consultant is listed below.


** Science, Naturally! has no financial connection to any of these individuals. **

  • Successful Foundation Grant Recipients
    Schools, camps and other educational programs have used grant money to buy large quantities of Science, Naturally books at discount prices. Here are some of the recipients: Advancing Teachers of Middle School Science, Mississippi State, MS ATOMS2XP, or Advancing Teachers of Middle School Science, is a program with the goal of increasing the number of highly qualified 4th - 8th grade science teachers across Mississippi. Using funds from a U.S. Department of Education Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant, they were able to purchase Science, Naturally! math and science books to distribute to the teachers attending their 2013 Spring Training Workshop. Prince George’s County Public Schools, Prince George’s County, MD Prince George’s County Public Schools used STEM grant funds to purchase 1,000 copies of Science, Naturally! titles. For two consecutive years, these books were given as gifts to students who qualified to participate in the annual Kids for Science STEM Fair. Each participant received a book the morning of the Fair to read while the judging was taking place. The kids, whether they placed in the Fair or not, all took home a quality STEM item to enjoy and help form a STEM home library of their own. Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan, Washington, DC Capitol Hill Montessori educates over 300 children in grades preK-6, and they have no library budget. They received a community grant to purchase hundreds of new books from Science, Naturally!, greatly expanding their school library and allowing them to send books home with students as gifts. In a city where a full third of the adult population lacks basic reading skills, not only do these books enhance students’ math and science education, but they provide encouragement to students to read at home. Watauga Middle School, Watauga, TX Watauga Middle School is a Title I school that serves a high population of at-risk and economically disadvantaged students. They had Title I funds that were not earmarked for specific disciplines, but since science and math were their lowest performing areas, grant requests in those areas were given priority consideration. According to the school, the textbooks they use for math and science are not engaging and are often above the reading level of their students, so having something fun for the students to read in math and science was a huge benefit. They will incorporate Science, Naturally! books into their science classes’ interactive journaling campus-wide. Palomar College, GFSPS, San Marcos, CA This summer camp for underprivileged kids in San Diego bought 1,100 Science, Naturally! titles using state and federal GEAR UP funding. The books were used to inspire the kids about math and science and to stimulate camp activities. Participants were given the books to keep at the end of the program. Robert Brent Elementary School, Washington, DC Robert Brent Elementary is a Washington, D.C. public school. They serve 330 students, pre-K-5. Their diversity drops dramatically as students advance to upper grades. Almost the entire 4th and 5th grade classes qualify for free or reduced lunch. Their students scored in the 56th percentile in both math and reading on the DC-CAS, and the school believes that the number of word-problems on the math test contributed to the low scores. They submitted a successful grant request to a community foundation to purchase Science, Naturally! books for instructional resources nd as additions to their very limited school library.
  • The Need for STEM Education
    A recent survey from Wired Magazine found that parents are more comfortable talking with their kids about drugs than about science and math. It’s not that parents don’t recognize that math and science are critical to their child’s future success, but when it comes down to actually doing something — that’s where they’re lacking. If parents need help connecting what they learned in school to the real world, is it any surprise that their children struggle with this, too? Scientists, educators and government experts agree there is a general lack of public understanding of science. Educators and employers are worried that too few Americans have functional literacy in math, science, technology and engineering. In a recent poll, just 26% of Americans believe they have a good understanding of science; 44% couldn't identify a single scientist, living or dead, whom they'd consider a role model for the nation's children. On a recent round of international tests, U.S. students rated below average in math and science literacy. Not only do a small fraction of our students understand the intricacies of science and math, but very few of America’s youth are preparing for careers in math and science. In 2009, the reading achievement gap between 8th grade students in low-poverty versus high-poverty schools was 34 points (out of 500). The mathematics achievement gap was 38 points. Here are some excerpts from a Washington Post article (Nov. 18, 2010) “Nation's public schools are improving, but still have a long way to go”: “The nation's high school seniors are performing slightly better in math and reading than they did in the middle of the last decade, new test results show, but a large majority continue to fall short of the federal standard for proficiency. But analysts said the federal test results (from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress) offer plenty of reason for concern. The scores mean that 38 percent of seniors demonstrated proficiency in reading and 26 percent reached that level in math. In addition, reading scores remain lower than they were in 1992. And the report found essentially no progress in closing achievement gaps that separate white students from black and Hispanic peers. “Those results suggest that public schools must make quantum leaps to approach President Obama's goal of college and career readiness for all graduates…. ‘We've got a huge mountain to climb if we're serious about college readiness for everyone,’ said Chester E. Finn Jr., president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education think tank…Finn said the federal test results have implications for the nation's ability to compete globally. ‘We're not getting worse,’ he said, ‘but we're not getting better. And the rest of the world is getting better faster.’” How do we get our children interested in these subjects? How do we show kids that in real life, beyond the classroom, math and science are all around us? How do we explain the mysteries of math and science in ways that are exciting and easy to understand? President Obama is putting his money where his mouth is. With his increasing commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, groups promoting STEM are now in the national spotlight. His “Educate to Innovate” campaign is further proof of his commitment to math and science literacy in today’s youth. The new Museum of Math, the World Science Festival in New York City and the upcoming USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., with satellite events all over the country, are evidence of a national awareness that science and math are priorities—and that we need to inspire our kids about these subjects at a young age.
  • The Importance of Trade Books
    "Why? This book helps kids answer that important question. Filled with kid-centric mini-mysteries and clear and concise solutions, One Minute Mysteries: 65 More Mysteries You Solve With Science encourages kids to think critically about real-life situations. With Next Generation Science Standards on the horizon, this book will be a sure hit in the classroom. An entertaining and educationally-engaging tool for science teachers everywhere!" —Gail O. Schulte, Recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, Instructional Facilitator, Rutherford County Schools, TN “These books are some of the most engaging nonfiction books I have ever read! They correlate so well with our science curriculum and the Common Core State Standards. The reason we love them is because they have real-world applications. With Mississippi adopting the new Common Core State Standards, using nonfiction texts is very important. Science, Naturally!’s books are an excellent asset to our teachers' resource libraries!” —Sonya Smith, Science Field Coordinator, ATOMS2XP (Advancing Teachers of Middle School Science) and IMPACT2 (In-depth Mathematical Practices and Content Teacher Training), Mississippi State, MS Too many students today are filled with "book knowledge" they don't know how to use. They have memorized facts and filled in bubbles on standardized tests until their #2 pencils are worn down to nubs. Parents and educators are saying education should be more than that; it should place emphasis on problem solving, deep thinking, and critical analysis. When was the last time your biology textbook led to a stimulating discussion? Studies show that in contrast to textbooks, trade books can be a powerful tool to promote critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity. Instead of defining knowledge as memorized, disconnected facts, trade books promote real-world problem solving skills. Students who understand there are many “correct” ways to solve problems have a great advantage over those who believe there’s a single answer for every question. The Common Core State Standards, which are being implemented in 46 states and the District of Columbia, require well-researched informational text, well-crafted narrative text and readings that engage critical analysis and reward re-reading. Nonfiction texts will account for a full 70% of all reading assigned in the classroom. Textbooks will be de-emphasized and trade book use will be increased. Trade books can be used in math and science education in several ways: To read aloud to a class To introduce a math and science topic and related facts To answer student questions and generate further student questions To further explore a topic combined with hand-on experiences The most immediate benefit of using trade books is an increase in student engagement. Math and science is real and part of everyday life: it is alive in books that children, teachers and parents enjoy reading. Kids learn how to extract the important data needed to solve science and math problems while strengthening and rewarding reading skills. Sparking delight in a good book makes math and science more enjoyable to read and not as scary. References: Cox, Carol. “What the Research Says About Literature-Based Teaching and Science.” Reading Rockets. 25 Oct. 2012. Web.<> Price, Ruth, and Colleen Lennon. “Using Children’s Literature to Teach Mathematics.” Quantile. 25 Oct 2012. Web.<>
  • Ways to Use Our Supplemental STEM Books
    The main goal of providing these titles to your students is to increase their excitement about math and science by engaging them in fun, new ways. Some of them will go on to pursue STEM careers, others will not. The bottom line is that not being a scientist or a mathematician does not excuse them from understanding these subjects. Understanding these subjects will give them the tools to succeed in any field. Here are some suggestions of ways to incorporate the books into your program: Curricula Enrichment: Combining literature with science and mathematics blends fact and fiction to improve students’ language and communication skills, as well as adding dimension and understanding to these subjects. When they come together, literature, math and science become more interesting, engaging and applicable to real-life situations. Research has shown that students are more comfortable talking about math and science when it is incorporated in literature, and teachers can more easily identify misunderstandings students may have. When adults regularly discuss math and science concepts, children discover new connections around them on a daily basis. Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs): Many of the kids attending America’s public schools struggle with reading and have experienced limited success in math and science. They lack motivation to reach higher in these subjects because they do not understand how the material connects to daily life. You may propose to use grant money to create a demonstration project for implementing math and science enrichment that dovetails and extends existing curriculum. ELOs could be before-school programs, after-school programs, science and math clubs, Saturday extra learning time, and even summer programs (creating summer programs also aids in the reduction of Summer Learning Loss). You might propose using grant funds to create a detailed curriculum showing how these books can be used in ELOs to help children connect to and extend their classroom curriculum. Incentives for Success: Many organizations use our books as incentive rewards. Rewarding students can lead to academic and behavioral improvements, while sustaining their interest. You may propose grant funding to provide you with the ability to offer products to your students that are both relevant and useful. These incentives can be used for successful completion of the annual Science Fair, excellent class participation and/or satisfactory class grades. The affordability of these books means that schools can acquire them for not much more than they spend now on ribbons and trinkets. Giving students a high-quality book sends the message that they are worthy of a quality product. These motivational prizes will not only help them in the classroom, but will also help them establish and/or expand their home library. Classroom and School Library Expansion: You might state a goal for grant funding of using the money to enhance classroom libraries for the 3rd to 8th grade math and science rooms, as well as the school library. These books help build skills in reading, problem-solving, science and math, with supporting content correlated to your school’s math and science standards. Having these books at their disposal will get your kids excited about math and science through creative extensions of existing curricula with real life applications. In taking these steps to provide resources that can help students succeed in school, you are working to ensure the future of our nation by raising a generation of children who will feel confident in the crucial fields of math and science and will carry that knowledge into adulthood. Optimizing Downtime: The beginning of class can often be downtime as students take their seats and the teacher takes attendance. These books can be used to get students on task the moment they enter the classroom. Teachers around the country have embraced these books as perfect bell-ringers, helping students get focused and getting their brains warmed up. Similarly, they can help fill a five or ten minute gap at the end of class when the lesson is over but learning should not stop. Additionally, students are often inspired to write their own mysteries or science/math and questions, using the books as models. Content for Non-STEM Educators: These books add instant energy to the classroom. After all, a mystery (or a question) a day keeps boredom away! The books can be great resources for non-STEM educators who are taking over a STEM class temporarily or are tasked with incorporating STEM content into their classes, such as in a Literacy and Numeracy period, which many schools are adding to their school day. Book Fair and Other Fundraiser Resources: If your school holds book fairs, consider adding Science, Naturally! books to the selection. Book fairs promote an excitement for reading while providing a place where kids can easily preview and purchase affordable books to develop their home libraries. You might purchase the books at the bulk discount rate of up to 50% off (contact us for 500+ quantities) and use the fairs to raise funds to support your school library budget.
  • Incredible Discounts and Sample Budget
    Small, but powerful. That’s the adage by which Science, Naturally! operates. Without the ties of a large, bureaucratic publisher, we can offer discounts up to 35% (contact us for 500+ quantities). Our award-winning products speak to our credibility. Our prices demonstrate our commitment to the great thinkers of tomorrow. 10-24 books................15% discount 25-49 books................20% discount 50-99 books................25% discount 100-499 books............35% discount 500+ books.................Please contact us All prices are in U.S. dollars Bulk discounts apply to quantity of the same item purchased. All orders are non-returnable. All orders must include company check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) or PayPal information. Purchase orders accepted from recognized government/institutional accounts. Shipping and Handling Rates USA USPS Media Mail 9% of order total ($5.95) USPS First Class/Priority, FedEx Ground or UPS Ground 5% of order total ($5.95 minimum) + actual cost of shipping Prepaid & Collect Shipments 5% of order total ($5.95 minimum) CANADA & INTERNATIONAL Please contact us Sample Grant Budget:



We have helped many schools locate foundations that support STEM education and successfully apply for funding. Click the links below for our guide:

  • Successful Foundation Grant Recipients
    Schools, camps and other educational programs have used grant money to buy large quantities of Science, Naturally books at discount prices. Here are some of the recipients: Advancing Teachers of Middle School Science, Mississippi State, MS ATOMS2XP, or Advancing Teachers of Middle School Science, is a program with the goal of increasing the number of highly qualified 4th - 8th grade science teachers across Mississippi. Using funds from a U.S. Department of Education Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant, they were able to purchase Science, Naturally! math and science books to distribute to the teachers attending their 2013 Spring Training Workshop. Prince George’s County Public Schools, Prince George’s County, MD Prince George’s County Public Schools used STEM grant funds to purchase 1,000 copies of Science, Naturally! titles. For two consecutive years, these books were given as gifts to students who qualified to participate in the annual Kids for Science STEM Fair. Each participant received a book the morning of the Fair to read while the judging was taking place. The kids, whether they placed in the Fair or not, all took home a quality STEM item to enjoy and help form a STEM home library of their own. Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan, Washington, DC Capitol Hill Montessori educates over 300 children in grades preK-6, and they have no library budget. They received a community grant to purchase hundreds of new books from Science, Naturally!, greatly expanding their school library and allowing them to send books home with students as gifts. In a city where a full third of the adult population lacks basic reading skills, not only do these books enhance students’ math and science education, but they provide encouragement to students to read at home. Watauga Middle School, Watauga, TX Watauga Middle School is a Title I school that serves a high population of at-risk and economically disadvantaged students. They had Title I funds that were not earmarked for specific disciplines, but since science and math were their lowest performing areas, grant requests in those areas were given priority consideration. According to the school, the textbooks they use for math and science are not engaging and are often above the reading level of their students, so having something fun for the students to read in math and science was a huge benefit. They will incorporate Science, Naturally! books into their science classes’ interactive journaling campus-wide. Palomar College, GFSPS, San Marcos, CA This summer camp for underprivileged kids in San Diego bought 1,100 Science, Naturally! titles using state and federal GEAR UP funding. The books were used to inspire the kids about math and science and to stimulate camp activities. Participants were given the books to keep at the end of the program. Robert Brent Elementary School, Washington, DC Robert Brent Elementary is a Washington, D.C. public school. They serve 330 students, pre-K-5. Their diversity drops dramatically as students advance to upper grades. Almost the entire 4th and 5th grade classes qualify for free or reduced lunch. Their students scored in the 56th percentile in both math and reading on the DC-CAS, and the school believes that the number of word-problems on the math test contributed to the low scores. They submitted a successful grant request to a community foundation to purchase Science, Naturally! books for instructional resources nd as additions to their very limited school library.
  • The Need for STEM Education
    A recent survey from Wired Magazine found that parents are more comfortable talking with their kids about drugs than about science and math. It’s not that parents don’t recognize that math and science are critical to their child’s future success, but when it comes down to actually doing something — that’s where they’re lacking. If parents need help connecting what they learned in school to the real world, is it any surprise that their children struggle with this, too? Scientists, educators and government experts agree there is a general lack of public understanding of science. Educators and employers are worried that too few Americans have functional literacy in math, science, technology and engineering. In a recent poll, just 26% of Americans believe they have a good understanding of science; 44% couldn't identify a single scientist, living or dead, whom they'd consider a role model for the nation's children. On a recent round of international tests, U.S. students rated below average in math and science literacy. Not only do a small fraction of our students understand the intricacies of science and math, but very few of America’s youth are preparing for careers in math and science. In 2009, the reading achievement gap between 8th grade students in low-poverty versus high-poverty schools was 34 points (out of 500). The mathematics achievement gap was 38 points. Here are some excerpts from a Washington Post article (Nov. 18, 2010) “Nation's public schools are improving, but still have a long way to go”: “The nation's high school seniors are performing slightly better in math and reading than they did in the middle of the last decade, new test results show, but a large majority continue to fall short of the federal standard for proficiency. But analysts said the federal test results (from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress) offer plenty of reason for concern. The scores mean that 38 percent of seniors demonstrated proficiency in reading and 26 percent reached that level in math. In addition, reading scores remain lower than they were in 1992. And the report found essentially no progress in closing achievement gaps that separate white students from black and Hispanic peers. “Those results suggest that public schools must make quantum leaps to approach President Obama's goal of college and career readiness for all graduates…. ‘We've got a huge mountain to climb if we're serious about college readiness for everyone,’ said Chester E. Finn Jr., president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education think tank…Finn said the federal test results have implications for the nation's ability to compete globally. ‘We're not getting worse,’ he said, ‘but we're not getting better. And the rest of the world is getting better faster.’” How do we get our children interested in these subjects? How do we show kids that in real life, beyond the classroom, math and science are all around us? How do we explain the mysteries of math and science in ways that are exciting and easy to understand? President Obama is putting his money where his mouth is. With his increasing commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, groups promoting STEM are now in the national spotlight. His “Educate to Innovate” campaign is further proof of his commitment to math and science literacy in today’s youth. The new Museum of Math, the World Science Festival in New York City and the upcoming USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., with satellite events all over the country, are evidence of a national awareness that science and math are priorities—and that we need to inspire our kids about these subjects at a young age.
  • The Importance of Trade Books
    "Why? This book helps kids answer that important question. Filled with kid-centric mini-mysteries and clear and concise solutions, One Minute Mysteries: 65 More Mysteries You Solve With Science encourages kids to think critically about real-life situations. With Next Generation Science Standards on the horizon, this book will be a sure hit in the classroom. An entertaining and educationally-engaging tool for science teachers everywhere!" —Gail O. Schulte, Recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, Instructional Facilitator, Rutherford County Schools, TN “These books are some of the most engaging nonfiction books I have ever read! They correlate so well with our science curriculum and the Common Core State Standards. The reason we love them is because they have real-world applications. With Mississippi adopting the new Common Core State Standards, using nonfiction texts is very important. Science, Naturally!’s books are an excellent asset to our teachers' resource libraries!” —Sonya Smith, Science Field Coordinator, ATOMS2XP (Advancing Teachers of Middle School Science) and IMPACT2 (In-depth Mathematical Practices and Content Teacher Training), Mississippi State, MS Too many students today are filled with "book knowledge" they don't know how to use. They have memorized facts and filled in bubbles on standardized tests until their #2 pencils are worn down to nubs. Parents and educators are saying education should be more than that; it should place emphasis on problem solving, deep thinking, and critical analysis. When was the last time your biology textbook led to a stimulating discussion? Studies show that in contrast to textbooks, trade books can be a powerful tool to promote critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity. Instead of defining knowledge as memorized, disconnected facts, trade books promote real-world problem solving skills. Students who understand there are many “correct” ways to solve problems have a great advantage over those who believe there’s a single answer for every question. The Common Core State Standards, which are being implemented in 46 states and the District of Columbia, require well-researched informational text, well-crafted narrative text and readings that engage critical analysis and reward re-reading. Nonfiction texts will account for a full 70% of all reading assigned in the classroom. Textbooks will be de-emphasized and trade book use will be increased. Trade books can be used in math and science education in several ways: To read aloud to a class To introduce a math and science topic and related facts To answer student questions and generate further student questions To further explore a topic combined with hand-on experiences The most immediate benefit of using trade books is an increase in student engagement. Math and science is real and part of everyday life: it is alive in books that children, teachers and parents enjoy reading. Kids learn how to extract the important data needed to solve science and math problems while strengthening and rewarding reading skills. Sparking delight in a good book makes math and science more enjoyable to read and not as scary. References: Cox, Carol. “What the Research Says About Literature-Based Teaching and Science.” Reading Rockets. 25 Oct. 2012. Web.<> Price, Ruth, and Colleen Lennon. “Using Children’s Literature to Teach Mathematics.” Quantile. 25 Oct 2012. Web.<>
  • Ways to Use Our Supplemental STEM Books
    The main goal of providing these titles to your students is to increase their excitement about math and science by engaging them in fun, new ways. Some of them will go on to pursue STEM careers, others will not. The bottom line is that not being a scientist or a mathematician does not excuse them from understanding these subjects. Understanding these subjects will give them the tools to succeed in any field. Here are some suggestions of ways to incorporate the books into your program: Curricula Enrichment: Combining literature with science and mathematics blends fact and fiction to improve students’ language and communication skills, as well as adding dimension and understanding to these subjects. When they come together, literature, math and science become more interesting, engaging and applicable to real-life situations. Research has shown that students are more comfortable talking about math and science when it is incorporated in literature, and teachers can more easily identify misunderstandings students may have. When adults regularly discuss math and science concepts, children discover new connections around them on a daily basis. Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs): Many of the kids attending America’s public schools struggle with reading and have experienced limited success in math and science. They lack motivation to reach higher in these subjects because they do not understand how the material connects to daily life. You may propose to use grant money to create a demonstration project for implementing math and science enrichment that dovetails and extends existing curriculum. ELOs could be before-school programs, after-school programs, science and math clubs, Saturday extra learning time, and even summer programs (creating summer programs also aids in the reduction of Summer Learning Loss). You might propose using grant funds to create a detailed curriculum showing how these books can be used in ELOs to help children connect to and extend their classroom curriculum. Incentives for Success: Many organizations use our books as incentive rewards. Rewarding students can lead to academic and behavioral improvements, while sustaining their interest. You may propose grant funding to provide you with the ability to offer products to your students that are both relevant and useful. These incentives can be used for successful completion of the annual Science Fair, excellent class participation and/or satisfactory class grades. The affordability of these books means that schools can acquire them for not much more than they spend now on ribbons and trinkets. Giving students a high-quality book sends the message that they are worthy of a quality product. These motivational prizes will not only help them in the classroom, but will also help them establish and/or expand their home library. Classroom and School Library Expansion: You might state a goal for grant funding of using the money to enhance classroom libraries for the 3rd to 8th grade math and science rooms, as well as the school library. These books help build skills in reading, problem-solving, science and math, with supporting content correlated to your school’s math and science standards. Having these books at their disposal will get your kids excited about math and science through creative extensions of existing curricula with real life applications. In taking these steps to provide resources that can help students succeed in school, you are working to ensure the future of our nation by raising a generation of children who will feel confident in the crucial fields of math and science and will carry that knowledge into adulthood. Optimizing Downtime: The beginning of class can often be downtime as students take their seats and the teacher takes attendance. These books can be used to get students on task the moment they enter the classroom. Teachers around the country have embraced these books as perfect bell-ringers, helping students get focused and getting their brains warmed up. Similarly, they can help fill a five or ten minute gap at the end of class when the lesson is over but learning should not stop. Additionally, students are often inspired to write their own mysteries or science/math and questions, using the books as models. Content for Non-STEM Educators: These books add instant energy to the classroom. After all, a mystery (or a question) a day keeps boredom away! The books can be great resources for non-STEM educators who are taking over a STEM class temporarily or are tasked with incorporating STEM content into their classes, such as in a Literacy and Numeracy period, which many schools are adding to their school day. Book Fair and Other Fundraiser Resources: If your school holds book fairs, consider adding Science, Naturally! books to the selection. Book fairs promote an excitement for reading while providing a place where kids can easily preview and purchase affordable books to develop their home libraries. You might purchase the books at the bulk discount rate of up to 50% off (contact us for 500+ quantities) and use the fairs to raise funds to support your school library budget.
  • Incredible Discounts and Sample Budget
    Small, but powerful. That’s the adage by which Science, Naturally! operates. Without the ties of a large, bureaucratic publisher, we can offer discounts up to 35% (contact us for 500+ quantities). Our award-winning products speak to our credibility. Our prices demonstrate our commitment to the great thinkers of tomorrow. 10-24 books................15% discount 25-49 books................20% discount 50-99 books................25% discount 100-499 books............35% discount 500+ books.................Please contact us All prices are in U.S. dollars Bulk discounts apply to quantity of the same item purchased. All orders are non-returnable. All orders must include company check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) or PayPal information. Purchase orders accepted from recognized government/institutional accounts. Shipping and Handling Rates USA USPS Media Mail 9% of order total ($5.95) USPS First Class/Priority, FedEx Ground or UPS Ground 5% of order total ($5.95 minimum) + actual cost of shipping Prepaid & Collect Shipments 5% of order total ($5.95 minimum) CANADA & INTERNATIONAL Please contact us Sample Grant Budget:
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