Gifts for
Language Learners
Looking for the perfect bilingual holiday gift? We have a wide array of languages and topics to choose from for kids of all ages and their parents!
This beautifully illustrated book’s overarching theme of breastfeeding inspires conversations about parenting, biology, habitats, survival, and more, making this book an engaging choice for young children as well as elementary school readers.
La lactancia como tema central del libro motiva conversaciones acerca de la paternidad, la biología, los espacios naturales, la supervivencia y demás temas afines, haciendo de este libro una opción entrañable tanto para los infantes como para lectores en la escuela primaria.
Beautiful images introduce the reader to attachment in the natural world. Watching mothers lend a paw, wing, flipper, or hand to care for their young fosters empathy, kindness, and compassion. Supplemental back matter and a free Teacher's Guide helps parents, librarians, educators, and healthcare providers creatively describe caretaking, while introducing a range of early science concepts.
Un hermoso libro bilingüe que celebra la entrañable relación entre un padre y su crío en el reino animal.

Two award-winning titles from the One Minute Mysteries series are now available as bilingual, Spanish-English, editions. These books are filled with entertaining, literature-based brainteasers that take just one minute to read. These books help kids see science, math, and—now—a new language, as approachable and learnable. Put on your Super Sleuthing cap and try solving these engaging and educational challenges!
Dos títulos premiados de la serie One Minute Mysteries ahora están disponibles en ediciones bilingües, español-inglés. Estos libros están llenos de rompecabezas entretenidos y basados en literatura que toman sólo un minuto para leer. Los libros ayudan a los niños a ver la ciencia, las matemáticas y, ahora, un nuevo lenguaje, como accesibles y posibles de aprender. ¡Póngase su estupendo casco de sabueso y trate de resolver estos desafíos atractivos y educativos!
Become a science sleuth with the bilingual edition of our award-winning book, One Minute Mysteries: Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! Each one-page mystery is featured in both English and Spanish.
Conviértase en un genio de la ciencia con está edición bilingüe de nuestro premiado libro, Misterios de Un Minuto: ¡Más misterios cortos que resuelves con ciencia! Cada misterio de una página es disponible en inglés y español.
Misterios de un minuto: ¡Misterios cortos que resuelves con matemáticas!
The need and interest in bilingual education has never been greater, and this book is a powerful tool for helping English Language Learners to see math as approachable, learnable, and solvable--while continuing to improve their English skills. As a parallel reader, this book will help both native Spanish speakers and English speakers on the road to bilingualism.
This book joins the bilingual Science Mysteries book as the second book adopted from the One Minute Mysteries series. This series of entertaining and educational literature-based math and science challenges for kids, is recognized as valuable supplemental resources for schools, extended learning programs, and home education. The bilingual editions make these powerful tools accessible to young students learning the English language.