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All babies, whether in snowy dens, warm lagoons, cozy nests, or living rooms, should be nurtured and nuzzled, carried and cuddled. This lyrical, bilingual (English/Washoe) book explores caretaking throughout the animal kingdom. Stunning paintings celebrate tender moments between a child and their mother, father, family, or caretaker in 18 different species, including human.
This book was developed to support and promote the tribe of Washoe (Washo) Indians living in California and Nevada. The text appears in both English and Washoe, with the translation done by two native speakers who have lived and worked in the Huŋalelti (Hungalelti) community. The back pages provide child abuse prevention resources and tips for bonding and deeper discussion.
Creating the book was a community project undertaken by the Alpine County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) in partnership with local organizations including the Alpine County departments of Behavioral Health, Education, and Probation, and local chapters of California First Five and Live Violence Free.   
We enjoy collaborating with organizations seeking to create customized products for their communities. Cuddled and Carried is now available in four languages (English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Washoe). It is our first book to be translated into an indigenous language and we hope to partner with other first nations communities to offer many more.

Cuddled and Carried / ?umngaming galopaya ?ida gahamuyo-kida

SKU: 978-1-951995-00-3
  • Product type Stroller Bag
    Pages 28



    8" x 6"

    Age Range 0-4
    Grade Range preschool
  • "Cuddled and Carried is gorgeous. It is right at the right level for the kids in our program. I love that you (Science Naturally) are putting out gorgeous STEM books for kids! That they are bilingual and show diverse humans is also very important to the kids we serve; reading about people who are like themselves is powerful. The Teacher guides are also helpful."

    —Dr. Crystal Merrill, Executive Director of the Read-Aloud Volunteer Program


    "A delightful display of loving mothers nursings their babies. The tender, warmth of the colour pallet...enriches the message of the text by portraying nurturing, cuddling and a mother's unbreakable bond towards her tiny infants. The book is a catalyst to converse about parenting, biology, habitats, survival instincts, and classification. I highly recommend this book."



    “As a science educator, I appreciate the variety of animal species depicted with accurate, yet artistically vivid, detail. As a teacher of early learners I appreciate the rhythmic and direct text that will ensure the students are actively reading. The kids will enjoy reading this engaging book over and over again."

    —Brian Lax, American School Foundation of Chiapas, Tuxtla-Gutierrez, Mexico


    "★★★★★ Cuddled and Carried is one of those books children will ask to be read over and over. The illustrations make you want to cuddle and carry the book itself. The amazing lifelike illustrations show nurturing relationships of a variety of animals and their babies [who] share the meaning of love. Simple sentences promote a child self-reading from the artwork, even if they don’t know the words. Cuddled and Carried is a fun and educational resource. Highly recommended!"

    Reader's Favorite


    “What a gentle book! It nurtures a child’s empathy for others and opens their eyes to the world of nature. Very sweet and educational.”

    —Dr. Harvey Karp, FAAP, author, The Happiest Baby on the Block


    “A beautifully and realistically illustrated book that briefly introduces how animals care for their young. Young children will enjoy seeing care-taking by familiar animals and learning about new ones. A good choice for first graders to support NGSS performance expectation 1-LS1-2 to read to ‘determine patterns in behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive.’ The book places humans squarely in the Animalia kingdom, rather than setting us apart from all others, inviting comparisons between species.”

    —Peggy Ashbrook, early childhood science educator and author of Science Learning in the Early Years


    “Captivating images, beautiful but simple poetry and a great information resource for teachers make Cuddled and Carried a must-have in any home and school classroom library. My 5 and 6 year olds were captivated by the message and beautiful images. I strongly recommend this book!”

    —José Avilés, Head of School, Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School, Wilmington, Delaware.


    "My 2 young boys and I love this charming little book! I really appreciate how it normalizes the nurturing relationship between parents and their children. It makes cuddling during storytime that much sweeter."
    —Sarah Reece-Stremtan MD, Pediatric Pain Medicine Doctor and Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Board Member in Washington DC


    "I love this book so much, not just for the beautiful illustrations and theme, but also for all the wonderful resources that Platypus Media has provided parents and educators with ways to use this book to get the most out of it."

    —Monica Olivera, Mommy Maestra Blog

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